Be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings . . . for they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh.  (Proverbs 4:20-22 ESV)

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Health Consultations

If you are in need of advice in regards to nutritional or dietary health, needing assistance regarding a specific health condition, looking for answer to any health related questions, or just wanting a second opinion regarding health decisions, these online consultation can be a great resource for you.

Through these online consultations you can receive assistance in the area of health and nutrition right from the comfort of your home, with quality care and friendly service.

How the Online Consultations Work

The online consultation begins when you submit an online form in regards to the question or condition you have.

After submitting the form, please allow a few days for looking over your records and compiling a consultation response. This consultation response will be sent to you in the form of an email.

Cost of Consultations

Consultation responses are always customized to your personal needs, which means there is a lot of time and research put into each response. This ensures that you receive the best quality of care and very relevant and helpful answers, but it also means that a small fee is necessary in order to make it worth the time and effort that goes into each response.

The cost of a consultation is listed below and greatly depends on what kind of help you are seeking. Financial arrangements are available on a case-by-case basis.

Payments should be sent through PayPal to: If this is not an option for you, other arrangements can be made.

Getting Started

To start your online consultation, choose from the following consultation options. If there is a form provided, please take the time to fill it out and send it as an email to:

Quick Question (Free)

If you have a quick and simple question or inquiry feel free to shoot me an email ( Quick questions and responses are FREE every time. Just know that a “quick question” merits a quick answer, so if you are looking for a more elaborate answer to a question you should consider it to be a consultation and consider one of the other options below.

Complimentary Consultation (Free)

If you are new to these services and are interested in finding out more about how I may be able to assist you, or what kind of help I may be able to offer, you can send me an email ( and I will be more than willing to answer any questions you have and help you understand or determine the next steps you should take in regards to your health.

Acute Health Problems ($25 per consultation response)

Please use the following form for health conditions that you have had for less than 3 months, or problems that appear to be seasonal.

>> Acute Illness Consultation Form

Chronic Health Problems ($65 per consultation response)

Please use the following form for health conditions you have had for more than 3 months to several years, as well as problems that seem to have been forming gradually over a period of months or years.

>> Chronic Health Consultation Form

What is Meant by “Per Consultation Response”?

A consultation response is an email that I send to you that is responding to a submitted form or specific request for aid.

General email correspondence does NOT count as a consultation response and will, therefore, incur no charge or fees. My emails to you must contain specific information or advice regarding your health inquiries in order to be considered a consultation response.

Consultation responses are the ONLY emails that incur a fee, and you will be notified before receiving them so that you have the option to refuse the consultation if you do not want to incur the fee.

Additional Services

Health Quiz Assistance – $5 each

When you take any of our health tests or quizzes or have any laboratory work done that you would like help assessing, you can receive assistance in interpreting the results and receiving suggestions and advice on what steps you may need to take in response to the results given. Please note that some quiz assessments or laboratory work may be required for further consultation.   

Iridology Analysis – $20

You send a digital photo of your eyes for analysis to gain insight into the condition of your body. Please note that an iridology analysis may be required for a more accurate assessment of a health condition.

Assisted Online Shopping – $5 - $10

If, at any time during the consultations, any products or supplements have been suggested, I can help you find the best brands, supplements, and prices for your personal needs, or even order the products on your behalf. The cost of this service will vary depending on the number of products needing to be purchased, but the cost will not exceed the given price range. Please note that this fee is for the assisted service and does not include the cost of the products being purchased.


If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with our services, a full refund will be issues on the condition that you give a complete and detailed description of what was unsatisfactory for you. This feedback will make it possible for us to improve our services and provide better care in the future.

Please note that refunds are for services rendered and does not apply to the purchase of supplements or health products but only for the service fees.


Health insurance plans may not cover naturopathic care. We do not file insurance and do not deal directly with insurance companies. We would encourage you to contact your insurance company regarding reimbursement of services.

Referral Rewards

We greatly appreciate your help in letting others know about your experience with us. Most of our clients find out about us through a referral from someone. We would love to reward you with a $5 off any service we provide in response to receiving a client by your referral.