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Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

General Information:

Water soluble. Processed through the body and excreted within 8 hours of ingesting, needs to be replaced daily by foods or supplements. Vitamin B6 works best when taken with Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2,panthothenic acid, Vitamin C, and magnesium.

What it Does for the Body:

* Helps with the making of red blood cells.

* Helps to prevent heart disease and strokes.

* Supports a healthy immune system.

* Promotes good nerve health.

* Assists cells in the production of protein.

* Helps relieve asthma attacks (reduces the intensity and frequency of attacks).

* Produces brain chemicals (neurotransmitters).

* Needed for proper function of over 60 different enzymes.

* Releases stored forms of energy.

* Combats depression, anxiety, nervousness, and stress

* Eases insomnia.

* Relieves pain of carpal tunnel syndrome.

* Relieves symptoms of nausea. Often used for morning sickness. Pregnant women taking 30 mg daily experience significantly less nausea and vomiting.

* Helps in preventing miscarriage, by encouraging cell multiplication.

* Important in maintaining hormone balance, by helping to get rid of excess estrogen in the body.

* Can help to relieve symptoms of PMS.

Recommended Daily Intake:

Adults: 2 mg daily is the recommended amount, but some experts recommend as much as 50 mg daily.

Pregnant women or nursing mothers require more Vitamin B6 than the average person.

People who are on a high protein diet need more Vitamin B6 than people on low protein diet.

Testing for B6 Deficiency:

There is a very simple test you can do to determine whether or not a deficiency in Vitamin B6 is likely an issue for you: With your hand extended, palm up, try to bend the two joints in your four fingers (not the knuckles of your hand) until your fingertips reach your palm. (This is not a fist, only two joints are bent). Do this with both hands. If it is difficult or somewhat painful to do this, or if the joints do not allow the finger tips to reach your palm, a Vitamin B6 deficiency is likely.

Deficiency Symptoms:

* Skin problems (acne, eczema, etc)

* Anemia

* Edema

* Depression

* Nervousness

* Kidney stones

* Insomnia

* Tooth decay

* Migraines

Other Possible Indicators of a Vitamin B6 Deficiency:

* Dandruff

* Mouth sores or cracks

* Muscle cramps

* Nervousness

* Skin inflammation (dermatitis)

* Water retention

Dosage for Vitamin B6 Deficiency:

Adults: 50 - 500 mg daily, combined with other B Vitamins (as a B-complex).

Note: If taking more than 50 mg daily, divide it into 50 mg doses, since the body can only absorb 50 mg at a time.

Vitamin B6 Supplements:

* Vitamin B6 supplements are measured in milligrams (mg)

* There are two forms of Vitamin B6 supplements: pyridoxine hydrochloride and pyridoxal-5-phosphate (P-5-P). Both forms are adequate, but pyridoxal-5-phosphate (P-5-P) is often preferred, since it may be more easily absorbed.   


* Taking more than 500 mg of Vitamin B6 is not recommended. Too much Vitamin B6 may cause restlessness at night, a tingling sensation in the feet, loss of muscle coordination, degeneration of nerve tissues (nerve damage), and very vivid dreams.

* It is best to take B Vitamins in a complete B complex. Taking one B Vitamin alone can lead to a deficiency in other B Vitamins.

* Vitamin B6 supplements have been known to interact with prescription medicine. Consult your health care practitioner before taking this supplement along side any prescription medicine.

* Vitamin B6 supplements can interfere with diabetic insulin treatments, it may decrease the amount of insulin needed. The person may experience low blood sugar symptoms if the dosage is not adjusted.

* You would have to eat 74 bananas to get the equivalent of 50 mg Vitamin B supplements.

Natural Sources of Vitamin B6:

Alfalfa, Brewer’s yeast, Wheat bran, Wheat germ, Organ Meats (liver, kidney, etc.),  Poultry, Potatoes, Chickpeas, Cantaloupe, Cabbage, Coconut, Molasses, Eggs, Oats, Peanuts, Walnuts, Legumes, Fish, Sunflower seed, Lentils, Bananas, Brown rice, Oats, Avocados

Random Facts:

* Vitamin B6 most likely affects more body functions than any other Vitamin or mineral.

* Daily consumption of alcoholic beverages (even I small amounts) can cause a depletion of Vitamin B6 in the body.

* Birth control pills interfere with the levels of Vitamin B6 in the body.

* Vitamin B6 is actually a combination of substances that work together, pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine.

* If you are taking large amounts of B6, your body will also need an extra supply of zinc.

* B Vitamins in general tend to affect the color of urine, causing it to be darker and a deeper yellow color.

* Vitamin B6 is required for the body to be able to absorb Vitamin B12.  


* The Vitamin Bible by Earl Mindell

* Natural Remedies Encyclopedia by Vance Ferrell and Harold Cherne MD

* The Healing Powers of Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs by Readers Digest

Nutrient Profile Sheet

Download this Free

Vitamin B6 Profile Sheet

(For West Africa)

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