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Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

General Information:

Water soluble. Vitamin C works best when taken with calcium, magnesium, and bioflavonoids.

What it Does for the Body:

* Helps to speed up the healing process of the body, whether from sickness, injury, or surgeries.

* Supports the formation of collagen, which is a protein found in connective tissue.

* Helps the body absorb iron

* Aids in the production of hemoglobin in the blood.

* Supports the immune system and helps to prevent health problems related to viruses or bacteria.

* Helps to protect the body against cancer and heart problems.

* In large doses it can act as a natural laxative.

* Helps in decreasing blood cholesterol.

* Aids in the formation of collagen, which is a protein found in connective tissue, needed for the growth and repair of cells.  

Recommended Daily Intake:

Adults: 60 mg daily is the recommended amount, but some experts recommend as much as __ mg daily.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers need at least 70-95 mg daily.

Older people, as well as people who smoke, have a greater need for vitamin C.

Dosage of Vitamin C for Health Purposes:

Adults: 500 mg - 1,000 mg (3-4 times daily) is a standard amount given to combat colds, flu, or general illnesses. As much as 4,000 - 6,000 mg may be given to adults in the case of infections or more serious conditions, but in any case, you should only take vitamin C “to bowel tolerance” – or to the point in which it causes diarrhea.

The term “bowel tolerance” refers to the point in which the amount of vitamin C being taken is too much for the body and temporarily causes diarrhea. When this happens, stop taking vitamin C until the diarrhea has stopped. You can resume taking vitamin C within an hour after the diarrhea has stopped, but the amount of vitamin C taken in the following doses should be reduced.

* If you are taking over 700 mg of vitamin C in a single dose, it would be advisable to also take magnesium supplements to help prevent the formation of kidney stones.  

Testing for Vitamin C Deficiency:

Deficiency Symptoms:

* Scurvy is the illness that is caused by a vitamin C deficiency.

Vitamin C Supplements:

* Vitamin C supplements are measured in milligrams (mg).

* Vitamin C is one of the most common supplements people take, and is available in many different forms.

* Because vitamin C can pass through the body very quickly, in order to get the most out of your supplements, time-release tablets can be the most effective form to take it in.

* The best vitamin C supplements are the ones containing the complete C-complex, including bioflavonoids, hesperidin, and rutin. These three are often referred to as the “citrus salts”. Rose hips vitamin C contains all of these, and is considered to be the richest natural source of vitamin C.


Do NOT take more than 500 mg of vitamin C in a 24 hour period if you have kidney stones or any kidney problems.

* Vitamin C should NOT be used by patients who have cancer and are receiving radiation or chemotherapy treatments.

* Taking very high doses (over 10,000 mg in a 24 hour period) or taking more than your “bowel tolerance” can cause unpleasant symptoms such as diarrhea, the frequent need to urinate often, as well as skin rashes. If this happens, stop taking vitamin C until these symptoms pass, then reduce the dosage when you resume taking the supplements.

* Taking large amounts of vitamin C can the formation of kidney stones. Taking magnesium, vitamin B6, and drinking plenty of water can help prevent this.

Natural Sources of Vitamin C:

Citrus fruits, Berries, Green, leafy vegetables, Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Potatoes, Peppers

Random Facts:

* Vitamin C can interfere with the results of laboratory tests. If you are going to be having any blood or urinary tests done, you should inform your doctor that you are taking vitamin C, and preferably stop taking all forms of vitamin C within 24 hours of the testing. Diabetics who take a lot of vitamin C should ask their doctor for special urine test kits that will not be affected by vitamin C.

* Smokers should be informed – just one single cigarette destroys 25-100 mg of vitamin C.

* Birth control pills interfere with the levels of vitamin C in the body.

* Taking aspirin can cause vitamin C to pass through the body more quickly, resulting in less absorption. The same effect result from stress. In both these situations it is a good idea to take vitamin C supplements or foods rich in vitamin C.

* The minerals calcium, cobalt, copper, iron, and sodium help vitamin C to be more effective in the body.

* One major source of vitamin C supplements is extracted from the rose hip plant, more specifically from the berries that grow on the fruit after the petals fall off.

* On an empty stomach, vitamin C can pass through the body in as little as 2 hours after ingestion.

* Breathing in carbon monoxide destroys vitamin C in the body, so people living in cities often need more vitamin C.

* If you take ginseng, it is better to take it 3 hours before or after taking vitamin C foods or supplements.

* Taking high amounts of vitamin C increases the rate at which folic acid passes through the body. Anyone taking more than 2,000 mg of vitamin C should probably increase their intake of folic acid as well.

* Low levels of vitamin C have been found to be linked to heart attacks.


* The Vitamin Bible by Earl Mindell

* Natural Remedies Encyclopedia by Vance Ferrell and Harold Cherne MD

* The Healing Powers of Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs by Readers Digest

Nutrient Profile Sheet

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Vitamin C Profile Sheet

(For West Africa)

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